15 Foods That Can Increase Your Risk of Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly targets and attacks its healthy cells. While the exact cause of such disorders remains unclear, researchers have found a link between certain foods and an increased risk of autoimmune disorders.

These foods can cause inflammation, aggravate symptoms, or potentially trigger the onset of the disease. This article will explore 15 foods that might increase your risk of developing an autoimmune disorder.


Wheat contains gluten, a protein that can cause inflammation and trigger autoimmune responses in people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. These conditions are known as autoimmune disorders.


Milk can be problematic for people with autoimmune disorders. The protein casein in milk has been linked to inflammation. It can worsen symptoms of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.


Sugar can increase your risk of autoimmune disorders due to its inflammatory properties. High sugar consumption leads to increased insulin levels, which can stimulate inflammation. Over time, this chronic inflammation can trigger an autoimmune response.


Tomatoes contain alkaloids and solanine. Alkaloids can cause inflammation and exacerbate symptoms in people with autoimmune disorders. Solanine can also trigger inflammation and may be particularly problematic for people with arthritis.


Rye is a grain in numerous gluten-containing food products that can trigger an inflammatory response that may lead to autoimmune disorders. Consequently, individuals affected by these conditions should steer clear of rye-based products.

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Corn is a common allergen and contains proteins that can trigger an inflammatory response. People with autoimmune disorders may have a heightened reaction to these proteins, further increasing their risk of developing autoimmune-related conditions.


Soy contains phytoestrogens, which can disrupt the body’s hormone balance and lead to autoimmune disorders like lupus and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Additionally, soy is a common allergen that can trigger inflammation.


Peanuts are a typical food allergen and can provoke an immune response in sensitive individuals. This response can inadvertently trigger or exacerbate autoimmune disorders. Additionally, peanuts contain lectins, a type of protein that can bind to cells in the gut and potentially disrupt the barrier function of the intestines. 


Crabs can potentially cause autoimmune disorders, particularly for those with shellfish allergies. When individuals with a shellfish allergy consume crabs, their immune system overreacts to the proteins in the crab, triggering an immune response. 


Alcohol is a substance that can increase the risk of autoimmune disorders. It disrupts gut health, leading to a condition known as “leaky gut,” where proteins and toxins leak from the gut into the bloodstream. This leak can trigger an immune response, leading to inflammation and the development of autoimmune disorders. 


Barley can trigger an immune response in people, especially people with celiac disease. In this autoimmune disorder, ingesting gluten damages the small intestine. The immune system in these individuals mistakenly attacks their tissues, leading to inflammation and potential long-term damage. 


Coffee contains caffeine, which can over-activate the immune system and contribute to inflammation. For individuals with autoimmune disorders, this heightened immune response can lead to increased symptoms and potential flare-ups.

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Eggs, especially the white part, contain proteins that can be potential allergens and trigger an immune response in sensitive individuals. This immune response can sometimes inadvertently activate or exacerbate autoimmune disorders.


Shrimp is a common food allergen that can cause an immune response in people with allergies. This immune response can lead to inflammation and contribute to developing or worsening autoimmune disorders.


Excess salt consumption has been linked to increased inflammation in the body, which can exacerbate symptoms of autoimmune disorders. High salt intake can also disrupt gut microbiota, crucial in maintaining a healthy immune system.

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